Current Trends in Vascular Graft Innovation: Biocompatibility, Longevity, and Clinical Applications


  • Anneliese Krause Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany


Trends (TT), Vascular Graft Innovation (VGI), Biocompatibility (BC), Longevity (LL), Clinical Applications (CA)


Vascular grafts constitute an essential component in the treatment of vascular disorders and injuries, and new improvements have shifted the focus on the construction and performance of such devices. Vascular grafts incorporated in this review include bioengineered and tissue-engineered grafts, new advanced materials, drug-coated systems and smart technologies. Recent development and advancement areas like decellularized scaffolds, cell-seeded constructs, and 3D bioprinting improve biocompatibility and reconstruction of tissue. Electrospun nanofibers composite polymers and biodegradable scaffolds possess better mechanical characteristics and applicability. Drug-releasing vascular grafts and smart, responsive systems associated with biosensors help deliver site-specific therapy and continuously monitor graft function. Efforts to overcome issues related to small-diameter grafts and the shift toward developing patient-customized solutions are also emerging. These trends are backed by enhancements in regulations and the joining of efforts of professionals from different fields to bring these new graft technologies into the clinics. Introducing bio-, material and technoscientific advancements into vascular grafts, the method is gradually becoming progressively efficient, long-lasting, and personalized, a significant advancement in vascular disease therapy. These advanced techniques are detailed in this review, emphasizing their promising benefits for patients and recognizing the prospects that are prominent aspects of vascular surgeons.


